Eastern Fence Lizards: Nature's Pest Managers

Eastern Fence Lizards: Nature's Pest Managers

Eastern Fence Lizards, commonly found in the eastern United States, are small to medium-sized lizards and are well-adapted to various habitats, including gardens. As insectivores, their diet primarily consists of insects and spiders, making them a valuable ally in pest management.

A healthy population of Eastern Fence Lizards can make a considerable impact on pest control in a garden. They feed on a wide array of garden pests like grasshoppers, crickets, beetles, ants, and caterpillars. By preying on these pests, they help prevent infestations that could otherwise damage  plants and disrupt the overall balance of a garden ecosystem.

To attract and support Eastern Fence Lizards, consider implementing the following practices:

a. Providing Hiding Spots: Lizards require hiding spots for safety and comfort. Incorporate small piles of rocks, logs, and other natural debris where they can find shelter from predators and extreme weather conditions.

b. Water Sources: Ensure there are water sources available, such as shallow dishes or small birdbaths. A steady water supply attracts insects, which, in turn, attracts the lizards.

c. Avoiding Pesticides: Eliminate the use of chemical pesticides, which harm the very creatures you want to encourage in your garden.

d. Native Plantings: Incorporate native plants into your garden landscape, as they provide a familiar and nutritious food source for the lizards.
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