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White Yarrow

White Yarrow

Regular price $5.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $5.00 USD
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White yarrow, price per ounce. Grown on a small, no-till regenerative farm. No commercial fertilizers; no herbicides; no pesticides. No chemicals whatsoever! Seasonal availability.

Yarrow is a symbol for being brave and courageous.

Legend has it that yarrow (Achillea millefolium) was named after Achilles, the Greek mythical hero who used it to stop the bleeding in his soldiers' wounds. Popular in European folk medicine, yarrow contains flavonoids, plant-based chemicals that increase saliva and stomach acid to help improve digestion. Yarrow may also relax smooth muscle in the intestine and uterus, which can relieve stomach and menstrual cramps. 

Numerous tribes in North America used yarrow for a variety of ailments. The crushed plant was applied to wounds and burns. The dried leaves were used as a tea to soothe colds, fever, and headache. The Chinese considered yarrow plants to be good luck. Even Lewis and Clark were acquainted with yarrow. It was collected during the Lewis and Clark Expedition while they were camped near Kamiah, Idaho in May 1806.

Few scientific studies have looked at yarrow as an herbal medicine. Traditionally, it was used in 3 ways:

  • Applied to the skin for wounds and minor bleeding
  • Taken by mouth to reduce inflammation, especially in the digestive tract
  • Taken as a sedative to relieve anxiety or insomnia

Today, yarrow is sometimes suggested for the following uses, although there is a lack of scientific evidence:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Indigestion or heartburn
  • As a diuretic, to increase urine flow
  • Amenorrhea (irregular menstrual cycle)
  • Menstrual cramps and pain
  • Muscle spasms
  • Inflammation
  • To fight infection
  • Fever (brings temperature down through sweating)
  • To reduce bleeding
  • Wound healing

The flowers, leaves, and stems of the yarrow plant are used as medicine. Yarrow is collected while in bloom.


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